||Sunday, November 07, 2004||
hey | 11/07/2004 04:24:00 pm
TION~...Hahaha...tat meant to be zao xia..which is like MR WONG...U NOE HU RITE..tat wong wong speaks like tat..those in 3e6 will noe..for eg.''Let's move on the question 3~..."hahha....juz watch princess diaries yesterday...it's so friggin FUNNNNNNY...HAHA...the commander shout like ''mr wong'' haha...zao xia one...esp shouting attention..haha...every1 laughed at tat...so funnnnnnny...feel like watching again...hahaha...tink shark tale will be funnnnny too...going with moi DADDY tis thurs..to watch it....even mi daddy sayey sharky taley isy nicey.....hahhaah...he watched the making of shark tale..so he wanna TREAT mi to tat movie....kkz....i give Princess Diaries 4 out 5 stars....it's friggin nice....so u all have to watch......OKAY.....N mi cousin wanna recommend tis webby called...www.madblast.com it's friggin nice too...hahaa... n the phrases for tOday is -frm mi- ''DUN BE SAD WHEN UR FAT'' n another one -frm mi cousin SEAN- ''DUN BE TOO HAPPY WHEN UR THIN''........waHAHAHAHAHA...
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
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