||Friday, April 13, 2007||
Love's not about giving in,it's bout losing yourself. | 4/13/2007 12:54:00 am
Alright,i'm still a lovey dovey person though my nic's a bit..hmm...well...negative.
But hey,reality check,the ugly truth is, this is always happening to unfortunate,hurt,heart-broken,wrecked,disappointed and numb ladies like me and a whole lot of others. Well,i guess my ladies will nod their heads frantically in consent when they've seen what i've typed.
women are the funniest creatures. They praticed self-love sooo much so that they betrayed it in the end. And there they are wanting to uphold priciples and policies of their own,which at the end of the day,they themselves will throw their own efforts down the sewage line. Funny isnt it. Sometimes, i can just sit down n start laughing at my own stupidity when i make statements like "i'll never ever let a man stomp on my head." or or "i will never allow man to ruin my life".....and apparently, i am dumb enough to get stomped on twice,fooled twice n fucked up twice...See,women lose themselves willingly when it comes to men,but of course, only to the ones they love. i awfullly admit that i was once or even twice, willing to be ordered around by those heartless creatures. And this is what i meant LOSING yourself, losing your heart,body n soul. N even more,your mind,to a man.
Not God or something.
ANYway~~~~like i've said, i'm still Erica Miss Dreamy. I do n always will,believe in L.O.V.E. To me it's a sacred place in my heart that comes with a boundary that's as high as the sky as wide as the world. ONLY the chosen one(woah!!sounds like LOTR....=o), will get to pass through and rewarded. And i think i have pretty high expectations now that i've been hurt awfully by two bastards. So,watch out guys. hahaha.....(as if guys will give a shit bout me...cheh.)
Well...to those who just lost someone they love or loved.Dont worry erica's phoneline is always open to all, 24/7, 365days. For those who just got a new found love,be it a man,a dog,a tamagochi pet dinosaur,or a new online game. Goodluck,n keep finding love.Love's everywhere,love's in the air,love's in your body,love's is in the things that u do and i love ya'll!!!!!
SOOO SPREAD THE LOVE BABES,JUST SPREAD THE LOVE!!(like peanut butter !!! or u wanna spread butter oso can or KAYA!!............err...................ok,nt funny ar.)
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
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