||Wednesday, December 13, 2006||
So erica gets high tonight. | 12/13/2006 11:50:00 pm
I'm a so high now.I had coffee..Starbuck's Toffeenut Latte Venti size!!! I'm having a slight migrain now too..it's so fun to get high.........
"When darkness turns to light.It ends tonight.....a little insight will make things right.It's too late to fight.It ends tonight." ---It ends tonight,All-American Rejects.
Guess what?! Erica has three big F*cking Fs for her results. haha.three Fs.haha.three Fs.
i'm so screwed.
So Merry Christmas everyone and leave me alone. I dont care if i'm being so emo now,i dont care if i'm being childish now,i dont care.I'm so f*ckin dead now.i dont wanna care anymore.f*ck the world.FUCK.
Erica Janael.
I'm cool. | 12/13/2006 01:27:00 pm
"You dont know me.You dont even care. She said:"You dont know me.You dont wear my chains.".-----Boston, Augustana.
Disappointment --- one thing that i can handle so well. Yong lin said:"I'm so sorry,Erica.I'm so sorry that you always have to face disappointments in your life.".
Yong,it's okay.I'm cool.
No matter how deep the wound is,it'll heal. Scars will remain to remind you not to go back to that phase of your life again.
i'm ready.
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
Click on the words below to groooove with me..