||Friday, February 23, 2007||
Finally trying hard to let go.... | 2/23/2007 02:22:00 am
Running away was never a resort to any difficult situations.However, it's the quickest way to find relieve......
I have been running away from the pain i needed to go through and to feel when i lost a friend bout almost a month ago. Tried to tell myself it wouldnt hurt at all,tried to convince myself it's merely another friend off your friendster list,still,it hurts now when the memories start haunting you...running away didnt last long,even the tranquilizer only works for a certain period of time.Feeling the pain now makes me realise how numb i was previously,how cold my heart had turned into...how cold...
After the cny,it's soo much better..slowly,i'll end the last chapter of this frienship and carry on with life.i know i'll be just fine...It's kinda weird for me to blog so late.(ok,this is soooo very random)
Reason is,i have to keep myself awake to study.Aw,shit.
Fucking exams are only one week away..How fast can time fly,seriously.I thought we just started sem 3 and now it's ending...NO WAY.Gosh,i'd better run now.the exams dates are just right behind my ass.
"We RK never sell any porku.
Vat curry you talkin about?
Fish curry,mutton curry,vat curry?
the special curry...the..erm...special curry you have..erm..the PORK curry. U dont come here and disturrb me i telll you ar..
Vone morrre time i'lll calll the polllice i telll you.
I no serve you anymore,i no serve you anymore.
Vone more time i calll the police i tellll you."----RK house.
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
Click on the words below to groooove with me..