||Saturday, April 28, 2007||
my love life is no where near the end............ | 4/28/2007 11:05:00 am
I wish i have a mountain to climb on,so i can shout "i love you" on it. So i can declare my love for you to the world ...in just 3 simple words. --------to the one i love,rica.
To the people whom i've not told, yes, i'm attached. The reason i've not really DECLARED the fact that i have a boyfriend is because i dont want unwanted attention. I know i'm not a celebrity or what, but friends would tend to pop up abruptly n ask me questions about us which i dont even intend to answer. Well, i'm just gonna make a brief introduction here and that's it. I'm getting on with life with him and u guys gotta find out who he really is when u get to see him yourself. =)
Alright,here it comes.He's 1.86. (yes,he's tall.i know. =D) He's thin and a lil dark cos he's in the navy right now.He's 20. n most of all HE'S NICE.SWEET.GREAT.FABULOUS.whatever.i dont care. He's just sooooooooooooooooo good to me.n yes,i love him. *grins* *grins very hard* *grins even harder*........yay!
Well, for those who were wondering how we met.hmmm, it's kinda funny how we've met. SERIOUSLY. believe me,you'll never believe it. OKAY, we met in a club. well,not just any club,but phuture. *LAUGHS* we were hard core grinding each other (well,maybe not so hardcore...) and we exchanged nos. after that. that's how we know each other. Details.call me.=) i'm not gonna pour out any more info here anymore. so call me if u wanna know more.Buzz me,whatever. =)
i finally updated.
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
Click on the words below to groooove with me..