||Saturday, January 08, 2005||
A whole bad year for erica.. | 1/08/2005 03:42:00 pm
A whole new year starts yet mi life havent change a bit..bad bad things are happening..seems to be a very bad omen to mi.it makes mi think tat 2005 will be a tuff year for mi except for the study part larhz..cos' study had always been tuff to mi since i ever step into this world..haiz..maybe i've been thinking too much but izzit reali tat ugly n fat girls have no privileges at all..im feelin less confident as the day passes by..feelin so outkast by the world..y cant we(ugly gals) live like those pretty/normal ones..y cant we live with tat kinda pride they have..wat is wrong with us..fat doesnt mean anything?!!..y ppl LOVES to discriminate us 24-7..dun they feel tired..how come we have to carry kgs kgs of fat on our body when others dun have to..y is our metabolism rate so low..y?!y?!y?!..so many ''y''s..i reali dun understand y the world goes this way..can i even be slim for 1 min?!!..1 min is reali enuff..at least u have 60 secs to be happy..can we even have the right to fall in love..?! tat's one BIG thing okay!!..tat's it..tat's the point..n the ans is no..it's juz no..i dunno y but it's definitely no..so frustrated man..Why things like this happen..argh..!!
Erica Janael.
Hey there!
Baby, retro is the new modern chic.
Looks like we're caught in a time warp.
let's boogie woogy...
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